5 Floor Noise Reduction Tips
How can you keep your floors quiet for you and your neighbors? Keep these 5 floor noise reduction tips in mind.
How can you keep your floors quiet for you and your neighbors? Keep these 5 floor noise reduction tips in mind.
This wood floor pattern uses planks of various sizes to create a unique design underneath your feet. Find out more here.
How do you move from one type of flooring to another? Here are 8 tips to make the transition from hardwood floors to another material in your home.
A popular trend right now is wide plank hardwood flooring and random width hardwood flooring. Here’s what we’re seeing at San Jose Hardwood Floors.
Did you know there are actually six types of moldings available for your hardwood flooring? Read about them here!
San Jose Hardwood Floors is proud to announce we’re officially a Mirage Elite Maestro dealer!
What does the much-needed rain mean for your hardwood flooring? Follow these 4 tips to protect your wood floors.
Have you checked your flooring for mold or fungus recently? Here’s what to look out for.
To schedule a weekend or evening appointment, contact
Aiden McManus at (669) 400-6141 or Butch Kirk at (408) 316-5511
© 2024 · San Jose Hardwood Floors Carpet & Vinyl Inc. · All rights reserved. C-15 state contractors license number 755672